So, since I moved to the US thinking this would be a short term gig, I've tried really hard to see and do as much as I could while here, so that I wouldn't feel like I missed anything important.
The thing is, that there is just so much really great stuff to see and do, that it is nearly impossible to not miss anything. There are however, a few things that I have partaken in several times, just because it is just so much fun! And since I have thought about what I would be leaving behind if I were to move, I have determined that there are 5 things that I would be super sad about leaving.
Without further ado, here we go:
5. It would be a bummer to be in a place where I couldn't within 2 hours of driving time be on the beach or going skiing (not that I ever have...not too terribly sad about it, since I am not terribly sporty) or Gettysburg or the super awesome fantastic New York!
4. Shopping - the national sport of the US. You just can't help yourself but quickly spiral into the rampant consumerism of this country. When I first moved here, I didn't have any friends, and it took 3 months for my stuff to get I shopped! And loved it too! It's not like this country makes it hard for you. There are tons of outlet malls, stores are open from 10 to 9 in most cases, there are cute little neighbourhoods where you can wonder about and browse, and best of all, there is a 24 hour grocery store around every corner. How can one resist when you just need another pair of shoes!
3. The international cuisine which is readily available, especially in Philly and New York, both of which as you may or may not know have a fantastic food scene. Anything you want, in any way you want it! Restaurant week is especially awesome, since you can gain that extra 10 pounds for just $35!
2. The convenience of having access to anything at anytime, which happens to be especially important to me, since I do enjoy feeding my mild case of snobbery. Sometimes getting groceries at the store next door isn't good enough, so one may be compelled to drive to Wegman's and get that fancy bottle of Leffe to go with your fancy cheese and crackers. By the way, it is absolutely important to note that Pennsylvania does not sell alcohol at Walmart, grocery stores, gas stations or any other convenient location. So, if you thought that all your dreams of just casually popping by the local 7-11 for a 6 pack were about to come ain't going to happen in PA, honey!
1. The ability to break every traffic rule known to man, because every one else is doing it!
Point #1 also appears on my top 5 list of things that I will not miss about living in the US. It's one of those things that you like when you are doing it, but not so much when the dude in front of you is exercising his rights. For those of you who are concerned about driving in the Philladelphia area especially, please note the following: the dude in front of you will run that red light, the dude in front of you will cross the double yellow line four feet after the intersection to pull into the McDonald's drive through, the dude in front of you will come to a screeching halt whilst merging onto a highway of cars speeding well beyond the limit of 65 miles per hour. And turn lights are for wusses!
So, while there may be a thing or two that make this place slightly unbearable, overall the convenience factor will definitely sweeten the deal. So, as long as your goal in life is to spend as much of your earned and/or borrowed income as you can, and if you're really going after that premature heart attack, this the place to be and what a delightful way to do it!
Artist Spotlight: Luke Osborn
1 day ago