So, apparently point #1 (Pennsylvanian driving habits) in my last post really touched a nerve. Many of you commented on this to me and some also had very strong opinions. I appreciate very much that this has now become a thought provoking, challenging commentary that touches so many of you!
Well, let it be known that I do not work alone, and that I may or may not have covert operatives amongst you, who indeed are providing me with excellent material. One such individual (we will call her Ms.P to protect her identity) has very strongly suggested that today's topic further expand on the finer points of one important driving habit of our Philly co-cohabitants: failure to stop for pedestrians.
When Ms.P mentioned this to me, I was instantly delighted to find out that I am not a driving freak after all! I myself am a firm believer of stopping for pedestrians and do it quite often, especially on marked pedestrian crossings, parking lots and when those little white people figures light up in the intersections. This often results in honking by cars behind me. I got the finger on a few occasions. In fact, when my special gentleman friend (we'll call him Mr.J) and I first started getting to know each other, it confused the hell out of him! It just didn't compute in his head that this may be an acceptable action by a motorist. We have since cleared this point up, and it seems that being the kind and caring individual that he is, he is inclined to now and then stop and let a human walk in front of the car without running them down like he's acting out a Mad Max scene. We joke that the Canadian is rubbing off on him.
Well, I think it's very true that Canadians are nice like that. They do stop for pedestrians and let them patiently pass by without threat. As I think about it, now I am realizing that most Canadian drivers do all sorts of nice things for their fellow motorists. They stay in the right lane and only use the left one for passing. They rarely run red lights. They don't honk all that often, and on occaison will pull over on the shoulder to let you whiz by on a one lane highway. (Except in Toronto, but that is a different story all together, 'cause you people are angry drivers!)
I suppose it makes sense that people here don't stop for walkers. Who the hell walks outside these days anyways. One may be mildly surprised to find out upon moving here that there are a great deal of neighbourhoods in the Philly area where there are no side walks at all. They are just SUCH a waste of concrete!
So my dear Ms.P, we are indeed kindred spirits in our wish for pedestrian safety. Lets go forth and show the Philadelphia masses that it can be done! Maybe you would like a little Canadian flag for your bumper?
Artist Spotlight: Luke Osborn
2 days ago
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